SCBWI Indiana - Graphic Novels 101 Conference (2022) Promo
SCBWI Indiana - Graphic Novels 101 Conference (2022) Promo
UDOG STUDIO - Self-Promotional Illustration
UDOG STUDIO - Self-Promotional Illustration
Bearly A Cartoonist - Self-Promotional Illustration
Bearly A Cartoonist - Self-Promotional Illustration
SCBWI Indiana - Graphic Novel Conference (2020) Promo
SCBWI Indiana - Graphic Novel Conference (2020) Promo
"Into The Darkness" - Camping Trip Book Cover
"Into The Darkness" - Camping Trip Book Cover
ANNA THE TERRIBLE - Promo Illustration
ANNA THE TERRIBLE - Promo Illustration
COMICS & TUNES - Self-Portrait
COMICS & TUNES - Self-Portrait
ROBOT TEA PARTY - Promo Illustration
ROBOT TEA PARTY - Promo Illustration
IMAGINAAAAAAATION! - Self-Promotional Banner
IMAGINAAAAAAATION! - Self-Promotional Banner
CASH & CARRIE - Character Pinup Illustration
CASH & CARRIE - Character Pinup Illustration
She's NOT Messing Around - Book Cover Illustration
She's NOT Messing Around - Book Cover Illustration
STORY TIME IS LOVE! - Portfolio Illustration
STORY TIME IS LOVE! - Portfolio Illustration
FANTASTIC WORLDS GAME NIGHT! - Art card used on Boardgame Blender
FANTASTIC WORLDS GAME NIGHT! - Art card used on Boardgame Blender
COMICS DIVER - 2WEEK Comic Book Club Bookmark Illustration
COMICS DIVER - 2WEEK Comic Book Club Bookmark Illustration
EPIC CAR CHASE - Portfolio Illustration
EPIC CAR CHASE - Portfolio Illustration
GEEK LOVE - T-shirt/Branding Illustration
GEEK LOVE - T-shirt/Branding Illustration
PILLAGE & PLUNDER - Art card used on Boardgame Blender
PILLAGE & PLUNDER - Art card used on Boardgame Blender
THE DICE TOWER - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Crowd Funding Reward
THE DICE TOWER - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Crowd Funding Reward
ROLLIN' BONES - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
ROLLIN' BONES - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
YOU LOOKIN' AT ME? - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
YOU LOOKIN' AT ME? - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
SLEEPY PIRATE... zzzZZZ - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
SLEEPY PIRATE... zzzZZZ - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
A SERIOUS GAME OF DICE - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
A SERIOUS GAME OF DICE - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Panel Illustration
BITS OF THE TRADE - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Baffles Illustrations
BITS OF THE TRADE - Pirate-Themed Dice Tower Baffles Illustrations
PRESIDENT FLAPJACK'S ESCAPE - Motorcycle Club Pancake Breakfast Promo Illustration
PRESIDENT FLAPJACK'S ESCAPE - Motorcycle Club Pancake Breakfast Promo Illustration
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